How will I know if my Basement Has Water Damage | SERVPRO® of Eastern Rockland County
3/2/2023 (Permalink)

The basement of your Rockland County home can be a great utility area in a home. It can serve as bonus living space if it’s fully furnished, but it can also serve as a storm shelter for the family if needed or just some extra storage.
But because true basements are mostly or fully underground, they are prone to taking on some of the water and moisture from the surrounding area, creating potential for some unwanted situations.
It’s almost a statistical certainty that at some point a homeowner with a basement will have to deal with some degree of water intake. Below, we will look at some of the signs that water damage is present in your basement. If you need mitigation or if you just need someone to take a closer look, our well-trained teams are always here to take your call.
Signs of Basement Water Damage
Unpleasant, musky odors. The groundwater that enters basement spaces may not be dirty like water that comes up from a sewer backup, but over time, it stagnates and evaporates, creating that signature basement aroma. Many people believe basements inherently smell a little musty, but that’s not the case. The odor arises when mold and mildew are present in the environment, and while they may be hard to see initially, they are easy to smell.
Flaking paint on masonry or walls. Even seasoned homeowners sometimes believe that a layer of waterproof paint will do the job when it comes to preventing water leakage from the outside. Unfortunately, even the best paint will only hold back groundwater leakage for so long. Water that seeps in will inevitably bubble under and flake the paint, creating cracks and gaps and laying the groundwork for mold and mildew.
Foundational cracks. Cracks in the foundation should be taken very seriously, even though many houses do shift over time. Cracks can show up in the floor, the ceiling or in your walls and often signify that dangerous pressure is being applied to your structure due to water leaks. If hairline cracks appear, don’t panic, but keep an eye on them. If they begin to expand, call us right away.
If you notice any of these signs in your basement, let us take a look. Our expert water restoration technicians can help you determine what is causing these issues and how to treat it properly. Contact us today to learn more